About The EPF Annual Tech Awards

The Empire Partner Foundation (EPF) has been actively involved in promoting the development of youth and entrepreneur skills in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector since 2016. EPF has a strong focus on recognizing and supporting local talent and technology in South Africa.

To highlight and celebrate the achievements in this field, EPF organizes the Annual South African Technology Awards. This prestigious event aims to showcase the talent and technology of tech-based businesses across all nine provinces of South Africa. The awards will provide an opportunity for these businesses to gain recognition and exposure for their innovative contributions to the ICT sector.

EPF is enthusiastic about creating a platform that not only acknowledges the achievements of South African tech businesses but also encourages their continued growth and success. By organizing the Annual South African Technology Awards, EPF aims to foster a vibrant and competitive tech ecosystem within the country while promoting local talent and homegrown technology solutions.

Type of Awards

Startup of the Year

Women in Tech

Township Tech Leader

Lifetime Achievement

AI and Analytics

Financial Inclusion

Social Impact

Innovative Institution


Should be a South African Citizen

Be a Registered business in South Africa

1 - 3 Years SMME in operation

Youth Aged 18 - 35 years


18 - 35 Years old
Technology Readiness Level - 6

Technology Readiness Level 6 Description:

Prototype System Verified: System/process prototype demonstration in an operational environment (beta prototype system level).

Impact Sectors:

1. Water 2. Energy 3. Unemployment 4. Health 5. Agriculture
6. Housing 7. Education 8. Rural 9. Transport 10. Safety

2024 Epf Annual Tech Awards


Demonstrates disruptive innovation or a unique approach to addressing market needs.

Growth Potential

Shows strong potential for scalability, expansion, and market penetration.

Market Traction:

Achieved significant milestones, such as customer acquisition, revenue growth, or partnerships.

Team Excellence

Boasts a talented and committed team with diverse skills and expertise.


Exhibits positive impact on its industry, community, or society at large.


Demonstrates exceptional leadership and influence within the technology sector.


Drives innovation and contributes to advancements in technology fields.


Mentors and supports other women in tech, fostering diversity and inclusion.

Community Impact

Makes a positive impact on the tech community or advocates for women's representation and equality.


Accomplished notable achievements and milestones in her career and personal development.

Local Impact

Demonstrates significant contributions to technology development and adoption within township communities.


Empowers residents through digital skills training, entrepreneurship support, or access to technology resources.


Implements innovative solutions to address challenges faced by township residents or businesses.


Collaborates with local stakeholders, government agencies, or NGOs to drive tech initiatives and economic development.


Builds sustainable tech ecosystems that promote long-term growth and prosperity in township areas.

Visionary Leadership

Demonstrates visionary leadership and significant contributions to the technology industry over a lifetime.

Impactful Innovations

Has a track record of groundbreaking innovations and technological advancements.

Industry Influence

Holds influence and respect within the technology sector, shaping industry trends and standards.

Mentorship and Legacy

Mentors and inspires future generations of technologists, leaving a lasting legacy in the field.

Ethical Leadership

Demonstrates ethical leadership and a commitment to social responsibility throughout their career.

Innovative Applications

Demonstrates innovative applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics techniques.

Business Impact

Delivers measurable business value through AI-driven insights, optimization, or automation.

Technical Excellence

Exhibits technical expertise and proficiency in AI algorithms, machine learning models, and data analytics.

Ethical AI

Adheres to ethical principles and responsible AI practices, ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability.

Future Potential

Shows potential for future growth and impact in leveraging AI and analytics for addressing complex challenges.

Access and Accessibility

Increases access to financial services for underserved or marginalized populations.

Inclusive Products

Offers innovative financial products and services tailored to the needs of low-income individuals and communities.

Impact Measurement

Demonstrates measurable impact in improving financial literacy, reducing poverty, or promoting economic empowerment.


Collaborates with financial institutions, fintech startups, NGOs, and government agencies to drive financial inclusion initiatives.

Scalability and Sustainability

Builds scalable and sustainable models for expanding financial inclusion efforts to reach more people over time.

Mission Alignment

Aligns with a clear social mission or purpose aimed at addressing societal challenges or improving quality of life.

Community Engagement

Actively engages with communities and stakeholders to understand their needs and co-create solutions.

Measurable Impact

Achieves measurable outcomes and demonstrates positive impact on individuals, communities, or the environment.


Builds sustainable business models that balance social impact with financial viability and long-term growth.

Transparency and Accountability

Operates with transparency and accountability, sharing impact metrics and progress reports with stakeholders.

Culture of Innovation

Fosters a culture of innovation and creativity among employees, encouraging experimentation and risk-taking.

Collaborative Ecosystem

Builds partnerships with academia, industry, government, and startups to drive innovation and knowledge sharing.

R&D Investment

Invests in research and development initiatives that lead to breakthrough innovations and technological advancements.

Market Disruption

Leads industry disruption through the development and commercialization of innovative products, services, or business models.

Global Impact

Demonstrates global influence and recognition as a leading institution in driving innovation and shaping future trends.

Become A Sponsor

Brand visibility and exposure

By sponsoring a tech event, sponsors can increase their brand visibility and exposure to a relevant and engaged audience. This can help to increase brand recognition and awareness.

Lead generation

Tech events can provide sponsors with opportunities to generate new leads and potential customers. By interacting with attendees and showcasing their products or services, sponsors can attract new business.

Networking opportunities

Sponsoring a tech event can provide sponsors with opportunities to network with other industry professionals, potential partners, and investors. This can help to build valuable connections and relationships.

Thought leadership

By sponsoring a tech event and providing thought leadership content or speakers, sponsors can position themselves as experts in their industry. This can help to build credibility and trust with potential customers.

Talent acquisition

Tech events can provide sponsors with opportunities to connect with talented individuals in the industry, including potential employees, contractors, and freelancers. This can help to build a strong team and support business growth.

Added Benefit:


Important Awards Dates To Remember

Open for entries:
09 February 2024
Entries close:
31 August 2024
01 - 30 September 2024
05 October 2024




Branch Code: 250955
Account no: 62630239243
Account type: Cheque


Ground Floor, 35 Ferguson Road, Illovo, Sandton, Gauteng, 2196

Call: +27 11 084 1100

Email: info@empirepartnerfoundation.org